A new perspective on procrastination!


Time management is the subject everyone has started hearing about at a very early stage, probably right after preschool. Its importance cannot be emphasized enough, and yet we only notice that maybe a little bit too late. Even though the saying goes by it’s never too late, it’s safe to say that realizing the importance of a subject while people around you are still willing to give some advice and assistance is very much more helpful than realizing its importance when you have to learn about it all by yourself.

It may not come as a surprise that the day is divided into 24 hours. This only becomes a problem when the things you need to get done require much more than 24 hours; hence sleep becomes a problem and procrastination a crisis. Now of course, every problem comes with a solution, and we’re going to be talking about the latter first. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, procrastination is: putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. The two main keywords in the definition are ‘intentionally’ and ‘should be done’. Being time efficient begins by identifying what has to be done and wasting no time doing it. The first step into time efficiency is in knowing what should be done. Not working according to a schedule and according to a set number of tasks, even if it’s not written down, is not working at all. How can you possibly reach a destination without pinning it down first? The process of knowing what should be done is not merely as important as doing it. There’s a famous Arabic saying that goes by: don’t postpone today’s work on tomorrow, for tomorrow brings with it its own work. The same goes for the hour; don’t postpone this hours work on the next… you get the point.

The most important aspect of time management in my opinion is sleep management. It cannot be emphasized enough how big of an impact a sleep schedule might have on your effectiveness at work. Regardless of which schedule goes well with your body and brain synchronization, it is advised to stay away from the “your body needs eight hours of sleep every night” vision. Though sleep is essential for brain development and the learning process, great accomplishments never happened in a bedroom.



Previous Review: The Founder



McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds, what a success! Well, all credits go to a man named Ray Kroc.


In the mid 1950’s, after numerous attempts to sell milkshakes to restaurants, Ray Kroc suddenly got introduced to a well performing California Hamburger Stall that was getting a lot of attraction from customers. He later was able to convince its owners to franchise it and was able to turn it into the Godzilla of fast food brands. Throughout the movie, Ray Kroc stumbles upon many challenges and debates with the owners but always manages to overcome them given his supreme persistence behavior. As the franchise grows bigger, he gets greedier yet more persistent and clever. Eventually, he went on to becoming the founder of the biggest fast food restaurant in the world.


This movie/documentary offers amazing insights into the world of franchising and the challenges that come with it in terms of competition, sales and creativity. One of the concepts showcased in the movie and emphasized upon is the importance of evolving and changing in business. Ray Croc who started as a partner and franchisee of the Mcdonald’s brand was always an enthusiast of adding new ideas, products, innovations and services. Whereas, the McDonald’s brothers (The Founders) were satisfied with the status quo and against any idea proposed to enhance the business and innovate on the products and service. We all know that businesses that fail to change and innovate die one way or another for change is the only constant.

Another concept of importance was the value of customer service and satisfaction, Mcdonald’s was one of the innovators in terms of Total Quality Management. This was mainly through the way the kitchen was designed, the division of labor inside the kitchen and the speedy service to the customers who by the way got their food by waitresses to their cars.

This bright, absorbing biopic – in a very real sense, a monster movie – sets out how he did it. It’s eye-opening, well-acted, and darkly entertaining.




Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.   “Napoleon Hill”

5 Things To Consider Before Doing Your Masters


Taking the decision of going abroad is never an easy one, it usually requires some planning and some decision making to make sure it’s the best fit. When choosing to do masters program abroad you should consider the following:


The Program:


Choosing a suitable masters program is one of the toughest decisions I had to make. It’s the kind of decision with the point of no return ( especially if you paid your tuition at the beginning).

When considering a business program apart from the general MBA which requires some years of experience, you have 3 options.

  1. Choose a continuation program of your major. For example: If you have a bachelors in finance you can continue a masters degree in finance, get more knowledge in the field and do your research accordingly.
  2. Choose a program under the umbrella of your bachelors program. For example: Mastering in corporate finance if you have a bachelors in finance or international marketing if you studied international business or marketing.
  3. Doing something completely different! For example: If you have a a bachelors in management but with a twist for an entrepreneurial spirit, doing a masters in entrepreneurship is always a great option


The School:


When looking for a good business school, you will be drowning in options. The choices are many, but the ones who attain certain qualities of education are a different story.

It is recommended to take a good look at the accreditations a business school has. The definition of accreditiations is:

Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated. The standards for accreditation are set by a peer review board whose members include faculty from various accredited colleges and universities.

Make sure the school has at least 1 accreditation and a good reputation. This will definitely influence your job opportunities later on


The Courses:


Once you settle on a program, take a quick look at the courses offered for your program. The difference between what you have in mind and reality might come as a shock and influence your performance if you have no clue what to expect.

The Country:


Do your research on the country you plan on living in for it will be a year minimum. Check the visa requirements if you need one, the cost of living there (including food, rent and transportation). Take a quick look on the culture, things to do and student life. You are not going to be working 24/7!

Countries like France for example offer students help in rent expenses and is a great place to have fun and check the area and culture (Also, the wine is amazing)


The tuition:

Pile of one hundred dollar bills in bundles

When looking for a suitable business school, you will be surprised that many schools offer almost the same programs while having relatively the same reputations and accreditations. The only difference would be a sizable sum of tuition especially if you are interested in going to Europe. Choose wisely!


Stay tuned for more articles on how to choose the best business program for you!





Get Out Of Your Head!

Have you ever felt so bored and helpless? Of course you did. Remember some occasions where you just wanted time to pass and get done with it. For students and people seeking a good experience, feeling bored and being stuck, counting seconds is part of the package.

Whether you are in a boring class or you are just having a dull day in your internship, you conclude that you just aren’t feeling it! I remember attending certain classes where I spent half of it staring at the wall and the other half scrolling through my Facebook page.

This mental  system is something I have devised to help get me back on track. It is very simple and will help you re-motivate and reset. After you’re done daydreaming or scrolling through your social media ,just ask yourself a couple of questions

1.Why am I here doing this?


2.What will be the end results after all of this is over?

3.Who am I doing this for?

4.What value will it add eventually?

Thinking about the answers gets you into a state of awareness. That new state will help you acknowledge that pulling through this class is a must to get your degree, or getting through this certain project will help you add a valuable experience on your resume. When you feel too comfortable or stuck in your comfort zone, ask yourself these questions, re-invigorate yourself and get to work!